Tuesday 12 May 2015

Many owners of open fires who are seeking open fire advice are facing the issue of inefficiency

Many owners of open fires who are seeking open fire advice are facing the issue of inefficiency. Their open fires are not giving them the heat they expect, or are taking too long to heat a room. There are a few handy tips that can help with both of these issues.

The problem usually arises from poor fire construction, either the actual design of the physical fireplace itself, or from the materials used to make the fire. 

Firstly, to get the most heat out of your open fire, use a wood that burns at a high temperature, something like Ash or Beach will burn slowly but give a good deal of heat. Using dog irons (sometimes called Andirons) will lift the fuel from the base of the fireplace, allowing air to flow around the fire and encouraging the fire to burn more intensely and so produce a more heat – but you will use more wood. 

If the issues stems from the fact that most of the heat from the open fire is going straight up the chimney rather than in the room, a great solution is a convecting open fire such as the Thermovent fire designed by Camelot Real Fires. This design ensure the smoke goes up the chimney where it belongs, but directs convected hot air drawn in at its base out into the room. Thermovent is up to 5 times more efficient than a traditional open fire. 

If you need more open fires advice, talk to the team at Camelot Real fires who are always happy to help. 

To know more about Open fires and open fires advice visit to website.

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